Luxury Hotel Data Analysis

Josh Peters and Francesca Capannari evaluated the top 100 hotels across the world according to Travel and Lesiure Magazine and evaluated multiple factors relating to their performance. A few of those factors include the number of rooms each hotel has, the year the hotel was built, the country or region the hotel is located in, and the quality of life index assigned to the country the hotel is in. We organized the original CSV file into lists that organized the year, country, region, etc. Then we created a data frame which allowed us to tabularly organize the data abd create visualizations from there. We hope that our insights can help travel agents learn what influences travelers decisions and create more value for their clients. .

Looking into this chloropleth, there are a few key takeaways. The number one takeaway is that none of the countries with top 100 luxury hotels are land-locked. This suggests that a draw of many of the top hotels is likely the access to water/beaches. Additionally, many of the countries with above average hotel scores are closer to the equator. This shows that many of the high rated hotels are from warmer climates, informing us that people looking for the top rated experiences may want to look for warmer climate zones.

Data Visualizations

Bar Chart Analysis

Average Hotel Score by Theme: In this bar chart, you will find which themes tend to have the highest scores in relation to the top luxury hotels. The manor and lodge theme placed in the bottom of this list, potentially indicating that their nature reliant and old timey nature tend to hurt their score compared to the top themes, such as the tropical island theme, or the botique hotels, which are often very fashionable. However, with scores being close, it is evident that theme is not a major factor in seperating average hotel scores. Value may be found in a person trying to determine a new type of hotel they want to visit.

Scatter Plot Analysis

Hotel Score by Number of Rooms: This scatterplot suggests that the as the hotel size (by number of rooms) increases, the hotel score tends to decrease. This suggests that hotels that are smaller tend to have better experiences for travels. This may point to having more directed and personal service, as they have less guests.

Hotel Rank by Year Hotel Was Built: Similar to the hotel score by year, we find that hotels tend to be higher ranked when they are newer. This confirms the the insights from the previous graph, and should inform readers that for the best hotel stays they should aim to travel to newer hotels.


This visualization best shows the countries that have the most ranked hotels based on the size of the scatter plot bubble. As you can see, United States of America has the largest bubble, so by hovering over it, you can see that United Sates has the most ranked hotels at 19. Additionally, this visualization shows that Europe and Southern Asia have the most countries with several ranked hotels. Whereas, South America has several countries with ranked hotels, but they do not have a larger quantity of ranked hotels compared to countries in other regions.

Analysis with Quality of Life Index

Number of Ranked Luxury Hotels By Country with Corresponding Quality of Life: This visualization shows the number of ranked hotels by country along with the country's quality of life index shown through the color of each country's bar. This bar chart shows that the top three countries with the most ranked hotels have relatively higher quality-of-indexes. Whereas, the bottom three countries with the least ranked hotels have relatively lower quality-of-life indexes. However, throughout the middle of the graph, there are a lot of countries that have both low and high quality-of-life indexes. Therefore, the correlation is only stronger on the ends of the spectrum and less apparent in the middle.

Average Hotel Score by Quality of Life Index: To confirm the results of the previous bar chart, this scatterplot shows the negative correlation between average hotel score and quality of life. However, the correlation is weak so this result should be taken with a grain of salt and travelers should not avoid high quality of life countries if they want the highest rated hotels.


Through this analysis, we hope that users have found insights into the best luxury travel for their future vacations! We hope that the visualizations and insights from them help to inform your next travel decisions, and helped you narrow down what types of places you may want to visit, and help travel agents bring more value to their clients by planning a special getaway at these special locations. While this analysis is not the definitive list of what the best hotel stays will be for you, hopefully everyone can learn a little bit about luxury travel and carry it forward in their future travel planning.